

【过激洁癖 拒绝拆逆 | 除亲友外谢绝转载】
时差党 | 辣鸡文手 | 手写狂魔 | 很忙

@Zenith | @笙歌进酒 | @笙歌鼎沸 | @沧笙踏歌

【罐昏/全英文】Los ojos: Denial


英文真的比中文好写【跪地不起 完全不需要灵感,顺手就来…………我大概是个废笙了。

*They belong to each other; OOC belongs to me.


  "Do you like him?"

  "Of course."

  Yes, how easy it is to say the word "like" or "love". Those types of answer are full of bullshit. Seriously, it does not mean anything besides you are friends, probably good friends, nothing else. Only "friends" is not what he wants, but it is hard to ask for more. Those moments of their hands clenching together, or shoulders side by side, are enough for him at this point. Being greedy means you are losing, and yes, can't make it too obvious.

  You're an idol now, Jihoon. He keeps reminding himself. Don't forget about that.

  Besides, I'm not ready to accept his love. Guanlin is too young, too gentle and too pure; he does not have a clear sense of what's going to happen.

  Or, does he?

  Is it just another lie to myself?


  "You're pretty good at everything, hyung." That's what he has heard from the maknae frequently. Jihoon remembers Guanlin holding up his photo plate without hesitation during fixed pick voting. The young boy successfully made him blush by all the praises; they were like a swirl of syrup which engulfs Jihoon immediately. I never knew that I can be like that in people's eyes, he thinks about it over and over without noticing the huge smile on his own face.

  Masks are always masks. Jihoon is confident at showing the fans his bright side, but when it comes to people whom he faces everyday, he is quite unassertive about his image. Definitely not a cute one, that is only a layer of his mask. He is sure that he can be indifferent or nasty sometimes, and some flaws are way too obvious. Remember what Seongwu said in the comeback special, Jihoon has at least double personalities.

  Then how come Guanlin never notices his other side? The maknae always sticks around him; they are even roommates. How come he never questions about this, or tries to keep a distance from him for, at least, a second? Why is Guanlin always around?


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